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Who's Who


Rev Paul Greenin


Dear Friends

One of my favourite passages in the Bible is the first half of John chapter 1. These verses contain the words "The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it". I love the thought of Jesus as the light of the world who comes into the darkness of the world. And the world can be a pretty dark place at times. I don't need to tell you of the darkness this world contains. Wars, starvation, cruelty to children and corruption are just a few.  I think these verses also talk of the darkness of the human heart. We can all be pretty low at times - jealousy, gossip and anger can be a part of all of our lives dragging us down into horrible behaviour. But there is good news! As a single light can shine for miles around, so Jesus can bring light into the darkest place and heart. Only He can help us to see our problems and difficulties with a renewed clarity. Not necessarily to make them disappear, but rather to give us His presence to understand things better.

I pray that as you read these words, you will know God's light in your life.

Your Pastor,




Deacons together with the Pastor are responsible for the leadership of the Church, the fulfillment of its purpose, the pastoral care of members, and day-to-day management & administration.



Anne Unwin        Carol Sowerby       John Pratt


David Sullivan       Robin Smith      Lauren Savage 




Linda McDermott                         


The Ministers in Bramley Baptist Church are every Member of this church.



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